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Metodolójia Edukasaun Direitus Umanus

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

HAK nia lian ba Estadu Timor-Leste

Bazeia ba observasaun HAK nian Governo Timor-Leste estabelese ona instituisaun sira estadu nian hodi garante povu nian direitu. Maibe liga ba durasaun tempu ne’ebe Timor-Leste hahu nia governasaun maioria instituisaun sira ne’ebé estabelese ona sei iha faze ida oinsa dezemvolve sira nia a’an hodi hala’o sira nia obrigasaun ho diak. Nune’e atu proteje, promove no habelar direitus umanus iha sosidade Timor-Leste.

Kestaun importante ida ne’ebé sai prekupasaun HAK nian hodi tau atensaun ba mak oinsa hametin sistema estadu. Tanba liu husi sistema estadu ne’ebé diak, forte no kredibel tuir lei no prinsipiu direitus umanus mak sei iha garantia ba protesaun no promove direitus umanus sai buras liu tan iha sosidade Timor-Leste. 

Based on the HAK Association’s observation, the Timorese government established the institution of the estate to guarantee the people’s rights. But link to the duration of the time which is Timorese government started it’s governance is majority of the institution which is estableshed are in the first step about how to develop themselves to runing better  their obligation, so to protect, improve and spreading the human rightsin the Timorese society, the important case which is became objection of HAK is to pay attention for is to strenghten the state system.

Because trough the good state system, strong and credibel according the law and the priciples of the human rights will guarantee to the protection and improving the human rights will more prosperous in the Timorese society.